> Hybridcast > About Hybridcast > System concept of Hybridcast
Overview of Hybridcast

Hybridcast offers a variety of services through a combination of broadcast and broadband.
It appends state-of-the-art HTML5 browser technology onto conventional digital broadcasting system so as to make full use of the characteristics of both media.

Hybridcast aims to not only enhance broadcast services by web technology but to create healthy eco-system of broadcast and web services.


Hybridcast consists of four elements.
Broadcast delivers variety of reliable information including high quality video contents to many receivers simultaneously.
Control signals including link information for getting web contents and applications are also transmitted via broadcast signal in Hybridacast.

2. Web service and applications

2. Web service and applications
Broadcast related information are provided from web site by using web applications, which have gotten by control signals in the broadcast signal.
These information and applications are prepared by application developers, which can include non-broadcasters.
To realize this service, the cloud technology is utilized.

3. TV Set

3. Big Screen
TV set displays high quality picture on the big screen so that the family enjoy together.
It can execute applications on the browser implemented in itself as the TV program progresses.
In the case of emergency, like earthquakes, alerts information for safety and security is displayed on a priority basis by control function with absolute certainty.

4. Second Screen

4. Small Screen
Second screen, such as a smart phone or a tablet device, works in conjunction with TV set as a companion device.
It displays broadcast related information from web personally desired, or can be used as a input device like advanced remote.

Hybridcast consists of four elements.

Hybridcast consists of four elements.
2. Web service and applications
3. Big Screen
4. Small Screen

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